This class introduces your child to basic art skills, and gives them opportunity to grow as young artists. Activities include Pencil Drawing, Work With Paint, Landscape Painting, Work With Nature, Still Life, Portrait Painting, Arts and Crafts.
Art is the subject for the test in the schools of gifted and talented.

At our art classes students learn different techniques including sketching, brush, practice using different media (watercolor, gouache, acrylics). The students are also exposed to sculpture, printing, and paper-making.
A Unique Drawing Experience
Students will see how with just one set of directions, everyone in the classroom will come up with very unique works of abstract art
Classic Still Life Drawing
Students will learn the classic method of drawing, on toned paper with charcoal or black pencil, heightened with white

Color Collision
Students will create designs using color and shape as they learn about amorphic and organic shapes
Make a Monet
This lesson plan teaches students about Monet and Impressionistic as students are encouraged to create their own Impressionistic painting

Chuck Close Portrait Drawing
An art teacher shows how to draw portraits using the grid system
ABCs of Printmaking
An introduction to printmaking

Draw Animal
Students will learn about using grids to plan out proportions and symmetry as they create a step- by- step drawing of an animal
Paint Like Kandinsky
Students will explore the expressive qualities of line and color through the study of Wassily Kandinsky. They will also become more familiar with the painting process, as well as different kinds of colors and lines

Greek Pottery Designs
Students will be introduced to the designs of Ancient Greek Pottery as they explore the use of geometric and organic shape in making ordered patterns

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